Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sportsfest '09

After two weeks and so much catastrophic happenings, Sportsfest has finally "FINALLY" I repeat, for all's sake , it finally ended. I had so much fun. Nevertheless, this was really exhausting event EVER. Now I'm going to prepare for our Midterms.. AHUHUHU!! So much for the delayed tests and late LPs. Harhar...

More pix on my multiply

Day 1:(Emcee thing)
Olongapo City Convention Center
It went fine. For first timers, we did quite ok. haha! No offense. We were really unprepared. They say we have low volume voice which I have to agree. The sound system wasnt good. Even the mic. Well yeah, maybe we werent able to shout 'coz there were myriad of people inside the "ehem quote STADIUM so-to-speak unquote" NOT!! Ahaha.. (MJ?? care to comment on that?)It's so nice to see that COE shirt. Hehehe. Wonder why it felt euphoric ..??? =) hehe

Say,,,, guyz??? what happened to our ADLIBS so called?? hehehehe =) gone with the wind??
and PLEASE, ENOUGH with the ROLL call.. hahaha..

I hope we didn't fail our dearest mentor "Mam Vix". WOOh. Publicity. It was a bit nerve-wracking but it felt great after wards. Enduring the shame and all that. HAHA. Kidding. Job well done gurlz and a guy.! =) (Alpha, Sarah, MJ and EDU-->our assingment remember?!)

GM won the PEP Squad. I actually thought CON will win. They were the "bomb diggity". They have the spirit. And I really really like their uniform with hoody. Hehehe. No bias here. Also like COE somewhat Ninja outfit. Plus the pink outfit of GM Panthers. My favorite color. I said NO BIAS !! =)
Day 2: Badminton game
Venue: ITC, SBMA

OH yeah. Early in the morning, I had my breakfast at Jolibee Lt. 21 . We were supposed to meet at National Bookstore City Mall with my co-players at exactly 6:30 AM. I came 6:27 if I'm not mistaken. Waited for about 3 minutes and headed to Jolibee.. Hihi. Was so hungry.
We jogged for 3 laps at Remy field then went on with the game. WUUUHH! First game was with CBA and they were terrific mixed players. Did I mention I was playing Mixed in Badminton???
Second game--GM. We won. Hmmm.. I think I was already fully awakened that time. MJ and Sarah together with Joan and Tegz watched it. Me here--so glad they bother to watch even for a while. Thanks gals.Had our lunch at Ministop, SBMA.

Third game--1 PM.. O-oh~~!! I knew we will lose over CCS. They were great. I don't quite agree on the schedule. If it were at night time, we might stand a chance to win. Hmmm.. Anyway, I enjoyed it.. Hehehehe.
Day 3 & 4: Basketball game
Rizal Triangle, Olongapo


We won over GM in Basketball game (Women) but lost on CBA, CCS and CON. They were tough. Ahuh??

We lost over CCS. That gal wearing "00" jersey was superb. Nice play. Small but terrible huh? And "Che" of CBA, so cute and so good. ME?? So so. HAHAHA.. Alright, cut the crap.
HAHA. I tell you, nasty is the word-- that's how I describe all of them..HEHEHE. sassy too. hehe. They were fun to be with. Will miss our game. Mga adik kayo !! hehe =)

Our game with CON...Never mind. They were really tigers, in a literal way. Pardon my comment but they were really vile and intense. Some of my co-players were harmed. Poor me, I was bumped by 2 Sumo creatures. (hey that's the term) My bone wrecked. YOUUCH!! Dang it was painful, I had a sprain. Hope my right hand will get better soon.Sporty me Jersey # 55
How come 55? To hell I know. It just popped out of my mind. It was supposed to be 15. Anyway, odd is good. hehe...Haven't heard of someone having jersey with # 55. Cool !
It wasnt TUNA. HAHA.. Look, it's 555?? FYI, we were asked during lunch time. Probably, my starvation has something to do with that or it could be that Narnia chose # 44 and so I thought of 55. HAHA.. Nyways, no biggy..

Day 5: Awarding
Nothing. I was planning to go to the concert but not in a good shape to gallivant. It rained and I was half thankful I didnt go there, half depressed for staying in our house.

I honestly am not in the mood to go to school yet. My hang-over is devouring me. AHHH~~!! How can I condition myself to be academically focused?? Too lazy to do school things. WAHHH!!

PS: We are going to break a leg next year. (As what we usually say..hehe) COE WIN!! Certo Eruditio!!


_joAn_ said...

hey girl..*_*

thanks for the comment..

about my novel???uhm..i'm glad you seems interested on it..haha...i think i need a lot of time to sum it up..under construction pa..(building??haha).,,atlist my laman n ung chapter three, at last..ehehe

super-sportsfest,..sori but i didn't attend,..tambay sa bahay..hehe,..but with those posted photos i feel like i was there,...hahha,..its nice to know that you enjoy..bhahaha

tc :)

azieL said...

gud luck on your novel..
that would really be a tough one..
super hirap gumawa noh...but i know u can do it..
me? couldnt come up with somethin..
i wanted to make a novel too..
sooo busy ..maybe..soon..hehe =)

keep me updated with ur novel making ^_^ tnx