WHAT A DAY~!! =)
After looking forward on this event (English Majors Convention Workshop), felt like been to seventh heaven. HEHE !!
Oddness, weirdness, sweetness, floodness, Chenes !!
Pardon this blog article. I feel really sleepy right now but trying my best to write down the sewuence of events happened this day. A remarkable day that we will always cherish with our very most precious prof Mam Vix. Albeit the ire of the weather, we still had our English Major's Workshop at COE English room.I know this will come to pass.
How I love this momentary ecstasy energizing my soul.
Deprived of sleep I may be,
How come I am so full of spirit? So full of zeal..
It dawned on me all of a sudden,
"No man is an island"
We need each other to survive though vile and hellish this world we are livin,
That's the power of friendship
They are the people behind your sweet smile. =)
So much for being poetic and melodramas...How I love this momentary ecstasy energizing my soul.
Deprived of sleep I may be,
How come I am so full of spirit? So full of zeal..
It dawned on me all of a sudden,
"No man is an island"
We need each other to survive though vile and hellish this world we are livin,
That's the power of friendship
They are the people behind your sweet smile. =)
It's our earnest desire to watch it with everybody at this day, we thought of going to Mam Vix's place. WHat a great idea huh~!! Oh yeah..This is a great chance. So, off we went despite the fierce of typhoon and tons of heavy stuffs..hehehe~!!!
Attendance check: Aziel (me) , MJ, Alpha ,BEL, Dianne all present!!!
Michael, Edu and Sarah .. absent =(
Whatever reason they have, I'm sure it's reasonable to the extent. Sayang... =( Wouldnt not blame you. Wished you were all there 'coz we had much fun.
We went to the nearest COmshop but since they dont have DVD-r drive, we headed to EMSON Cafe in front of OCNHS. Lucky "us" we found an excellent and perfect place to watch the clip.
The owner is nice to the extent.WOW! She's so hospitable. She even offered us a speaker. Thank you very much. You deserve a break one to five too.
Everyone LOLed ..HAHAHA>. Our video contains shameful acts..hehe..SO ashamed of how silly we acted.. But we're really sincere. Of course. No pretensions. All we've said are nothing but the truth. In fact, Mam Vix deserves more than compliments, more than that.
After the half hour LOLing , watchin and foolin around, we headed back to eat the Mocha cake from Goldilocks. Yiiihieee... Delicious, it is. That taste of the cake is nothing compared to the moments we've shared. Awkward, hilarious, weird, silly , funny!! That's how to describe it.
Since there's no plates and even spoon and fork, we still ate. Not with bare hands but with "CHOPSTICKS" and a plastic cup as our plate. Can you imagine how awkward and weird it is? Hahaha. SOoooooo CooooL !!.
I forgot to mention that MJ and Bel went back to COE to get the 2 Sodas. We left it there 'coz we were so excited and confused. It's really hard giving surprises huh? hehe
Regardless of all that creepy heinous weather and impediments, it was a job-well-done. Seeing Mam Vix's killer smile makes all worries go away. We know she appreciated what we prepared for her. That was all first time. First time of everything. It was really FUN..FUN..FUN.. Really ecstatic and challenging adventure we had. Hope we made it through our journey until our grad. I love you all !! =)
Memorable icebreaker
Break 1 to 5
I supposed Alpha-bet is doing this before she hits the hay. (Isn't that so?) Totally enjoyed it!
Bel has this melody~~tarararan tantantan..hehehe (Ohh..sorry lang~~) BRAVA gurl!!
Alpha is a visual one. Hehe.No look and she fails to do it right. hihi(im not bragging here)
MJ-not in the perfect mood I guess.. 'coz of the text !!!!!!!!!! dug dug dug...
Dianne knows it too..hehehe.. break 1..hehe
Mam Vix wants to learn it..I can be a tutor in exchange for another book..ahehe.. It is very negotiable. Me?? I go with the beat. Wiiiii..A break 1 to 5 for me too..won the draw-lots of that cool vest... Laveet..!! =)
(Aziel) (T_T) teary eyed me =( hehehe while watchin this vid i made.. =)
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