Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday--Special Day of English Majors

NOTE: I might offend the persons involved here, but my deepest apology. This is nothing personal. Just for "kidding" purposes. When the time comes we take different paths, you all soon will remember those embarrassing yet happy moments we had. Had so much fun with you girls. Hehehe. Thanks~~!!

Made up of 35 ketchups all in all... =) i counted it..hehe =)

Let me make your day with a smile.. =) STOLEN MOMENTS

August 7, 2009, class suspended. We love making most of our times. As what usually happens, what has been planned has less possibility that it WILL BE DONE. It was well-planned as far as i can tell. Unfortunately, "Edu", let me make it up to you. Hmmm. Forgive me for hating you throughout the whole day. This was supposed to be our DAY--"ENGLISH MAJORS DAY." But, it really pissed me off. You have other appointment, so be it. But please, next time you say "YES", make sure. We were expecting you'd come. It would be of much fun having you around. Anyways, it's ok. We had great time together. Hehehe. Don't miss it next time, alright? I won't take NO for an answer. I'll cut you in half-vertically. Hehehe..

MUST SEE --> bottom part of my blog...

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