Saturday, October 24, 2009

Poof! I wanna be a speech pathologist!

I really enjoy coming with our prof in Sinag. I never thought I am this fortunate to be normal. I have complete senses and I am capable of working like normal dudes do. Well, it's really fun playing with special kids. They are special. They are genius and awesome. I am amazed with how they do their best to do what normal kids do, for their courage and enthusiasm. I must say they deserve a special treatment and care. It just dawned on me of what will I take up as my MA. Speech Pathologist. I've heard from our mentor and from teachers in Sinag. I applaud them for their patience and pure heart.

1 comment:

Alpha Grace Soliman Balois said...

Ohmygosh! like really OMG! OMG!!

hehe.. that's for the picture.. :)